
Brand Creation

Whatever you’re selling, we’ll set you up for success. Brand Creation for all types of Business.

So you’re starting a Business? Let’s dream a little and launch you right.

Creating a successful brand

Whether you’re a startup or an established brand needing to rebrand, the path to a successful brand build is understanding; understanding your consumer and what your brand will mean to them. 

Brand Creation is not an overnight exercise, it takes strategy, it takes thought, it takes an open mind. Welcome to the process, embrace it.

Brand strategy

You’re probably heard the term thrown around loosely, but brand strategy is no joke. It is the methodical process of building a “what-if” document that will help you understand how your brand will survive and the steps that you need to take to get you to where you need to be. Brand strategy is vital. 

Brand Identity

Widely known as your CI or Corporate Identity… or better yet what your logo and/icon will look like, what font and colour scheme will represent your brand to hold the hand of your brand psychology.

We live this, we breathe this and we dream this.  

Brand collateral

A collation of media that help support marketing and sales for your brand. The tangible elements that you will need like brochures, company profiles, email signatures, business cards, branded video content, social media supportive graphics etc.  

How do we charge?

Although we do have very general packages, each case is custom to the specific project and only costed out once a detailed briefing has been held.  

Brand Creation

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    Content provided by Peter Vee
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